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Smart Cities: The Future of Cities*

Cities are the living space of the future. The century of cities is one of the key issues that politicians, business developers, city planners, government agencies and citizens have been working on, for the last few years.

Cities as a Megatrend

More people are already living in cities around the world than in the countryside. By 2040, 65% of the world will live in cities, as compared to just 30% in 1950. The importance of cities for the lives and the future of civilisations quickly becomes clear, if you look at a few brief facts:

Current Challenges for Cities

City planners must deal with ever-changing areas of interests and conflicts. This is illustrated by the following facts:

Literature Sources
  1. Desjardins 2017
  2. Stastica 2016
  3. McKinsey Global Institute 2016

*Smart City, by Oliver Fassmann, Jonas Böhm, & Maximilian Palmie